Hairwise, I've been just chillin'. In other words, being super lazy. I still wear my staple puff. I threaten to twist my hair every weekend but never do. My hair is healthy though.
I deep condition regulary and still sleep on my satin pillowcase.
I've managed to post a few new videos on YouTube so I've not been a complete slacker. Plans are in the works to really crank out some top notch videos in the MMX!
Check out my Scrabble Tile Pendants @ http://www.thecreativelady.etsy.com/
They are totally customizable if you email me your photo.
Check me out on YouTube @ http://www.youtube.com/thecreativelady.
Check me out on Twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/thecreativelady
There is a wonderful Twitter hair chat every Sunday night. I think it's @ 10 PM Central but I've been late for the past couple of weeks. Use the following hashtag to join in: #naturalhair I love it.
Stay Tuned!