I could not resist the photo op with the "Black Chick"! I loved it!
Las Vegas was hot and slightly humid due to the rain that was falling after we landed. I didn't think it rained in Las Vegas! Oh well. . .I guess if it now rains in Southern California, it can rain in Vegas.
I tried to keep my hair routine simple for the 5 day stay. I only packed a 3 ounce container of Fantasia Activator/Moisturizer and a 3 ounce peppermint oil and water mist. Oh yeah, I also brought the travel size Fruit of The Earth aloe vera gel. My hair behaved and I wore it out loose a few times. Hubby has been asking me to unleash the fro! I thought it looked kinda jacked up but he loved it.
As I have gone through my camera, I cannot believe that I failed to get a pix of my loose hair! Blame it. . .on the HEAT and frustration of our stay at the MGM! I have renamed the MGM as: My Goodness Man. Check out my other blog if you want to share in our torture! I'll keep this all about hair!